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Showing 35 resources related to entrepreneurship. Click here to see resources across all topics.


Migrant Media

A project providing young Africans with reliable information and training on migration issues and social media to make informed decisions and be aware of safer migration options to Europe.

Outhouse East

Outhouse East provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ people in Essex. Their mission is to develop and promote a sustainable, fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people can achieve their full potential.

Resourcing Racial Justice

The Resourcing Racial Justice fund is a coalition of people of colour (racialised communities) innovators, change makers, activists, artists and social leaders dedicated to social change. They have a UK wide-funding pool to support individuals and communities working towards racial justice.

POC in Campaigns

A Facebook group for people of colour working (or aspiring to work) in campaigns to share opportunities, concerns and questions.

Hub Cymru Africa

Hub Cymru Africa is a partnership supporting the Wales Africa Community, bringing together the work of the Wales for Africa Health Links Network, the Sub Saharan Advisory Panel and Fair Trade Wales. They offer advice, mentoring, training and resources on their website.

The Ubele Initiative

The Ubele Initiative are an African diaspora led, infrastructure plus organisation, empowering Black and Minoritised communities in the UK, to act as catalysts for social and economic change.

They work with community leaders, groups, and organisations in the UK and beyond, run events and advertise funding opportunities. 


Malawi-UK Business Group

Formed in November 2017, the Malawi-UK Business Group brings together key organisations and individuals in the UK engaged in business and trade with Malawi. It exists to support, facilitate and develop business flow, create new investment opportunities and integrate Malawi-UK co-operation in the global market.


Juvenis offers bespoke support and training enabling young people who are having difficulties at school, at home or in the community to turn around their lives and (re)engage with employment, education or training on a range of topics.

Action for Race Equality

Action for Race Equality champion fairness, challenge discrimination and pioneer innovative solutions to empower Black, Asian and mixed heritage (racialised) people through education, employment and enterprise. They do this through a range of projects and programmes for people aged 11-30.

The Winch

The Winch is a programme for young people in Camden and their families to access support to challenge injustice which affects them and their communities. They offer youth clubs, projects, holiday programmes, celebrations, creative spaces, after-school clubs and more.

Social Mobility Foundation

Social Mobility Foundation provides opportunities and networks of support for young people in the years prior to - and during - university. This service is for young people who are unable to get support from their schools or families.

Milk and Honey

Milk and Honey is an expressive safe space that allows young women and girls who are often deemed as hard to engage to flourish and take ownership of H.E.R (Healing, Empowerment and Resilience) through 1:1 sessions and creative group projects.

The Advocacy Academy

The Advocacy Academy is a transformational Social Justice Youth Organising Movement for young people from South London who are passionate about creating a more fair, just and equal society. 

The Prince's Trust

The Prince's Trust is a youth charity that helps young people aged 11 to 30 get into jobs, education and training. Find out about their programmes if you want to start a business, get a job or grow your confidence. 

POC Impact

POC Impact is a community recognising, supporting and connecting People of Colour (racialised people) working in the Social Impact sector. 

Enterprise Nation

Enterprise Nation provides expert support and resources for small businesses. Whether you’re launching a new business or developing an existing one, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

Escape the City

Escape the City provides support for individuals who want to quit their corporate jobs, change their career or start a business. Alongside webinars and an online community forum, they also are providing support to people facing redundancy. 

Youth Enterprise NI

Young Enterprise NI is dedicated to developing the talents and skills of young people to ensure that they leave the education system fully prepared and equipped for life.

They provide children with a diverse range of hands-on entrepreneurship skills programmes.



The ScaleUp Institute

The ScaleUp Institute collaborates with policy makers, corporate partners and educational establishments to help businesses scale up and grow.

Bedfordshire African Community Centre

Provides a range of services for African and other BME communities living in Luton and surrounding areas of Bedfordshire. Services include advice, information, advocacy, help with job search and CV preparation. Training courses and workshops including emergency first aid, health and safety, maths, ICT and English for young people aged 10-15 and ESOL.

Devon and Cornwall Chinese Association

The Devon and Cornwall Chinese Association is a non-political, non-religious organisation formed to serve and represent the interests of those members of the Chinese community.

They run a Chinese language school, elders’ group, women’s group, business group and recreational group.

Cornwall Refugee Resource Network

The Cornwall Refugee Resettlement Network is a committed group who are passionate about Cornwall being a place of welcome, refuge and sanctuary.

They offer practical support such as sponsorship, workshops, providing resources, campaigning and running conferences to communicate with the local community.


GirlDreamer is a non-profit organisation that supports the personal, professional and communal development of young women of colour (racialised women) to tackle social inequality and pursue their dreams.

Black South West Network (BSWN)

BSWN are a Black-led racial justice organisation based in Bristol that supports the development of dynamic, independent, and strong Black and Minoritised (racialised) communities, businesses, and organisations to flourish whilst challenging systemic barriers.

Their work covers enterprise and innovation, cultural inclusion, as well as research and knowledge. 

National Zakat Foundation

An UK platform connecting Muslims who can give Zakat with those who should be receiving it locally. You can access their website to find out more or to apply for Zakat.

They offer support through four funds - Hardship Relief Fund, Housing Fund, Work Fund, and Education Fund.

All Ways Network

The All Ways Network works to empower small charities working with Muslims.

They support small charities via a range of services from webinars, focused group sessions on topics such as bid writing, to an annual meet the funders event and more.


Cheetham Hill Advice Centre

Accessible to speakers of nine different languages, Cheetham Hill Advice Centre is an independent neighbourhood service in Manchester.

They can advise on welfare benefits, money and debt, housing/homelessness, employment, access to adult immigration/nationality issues and more.