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Legal Support

Croydon Refugee Day Centre

A friendly, safe meeting place offering practical assistance to all asylum seekers and refugees in Croydon. They offer refreshments, information, essentials, language classes and more.


Abianda is a London-based enterprise working with young women affected by gangs and county lines, and the professionals who support them. They offer services to young women aged 10-25 and training for those who work with them.

Tees Valley Women's Centre

Tees Valley Women's Centre is a voluntary grassroots venture providing a one stop shop for women in a non-threatening safe environment, helping to support the wellbeing of local women.

They provide one to one support, advice, guidance, training, education, and employment opportunities.

Bude Refugee Support Group

BRSG (Bude Refugee Support Group) arrange Community Sponsorship, support refugees to rebuild their lives and resettle through English teaching, training and employment support, childminding, driving theory and much more.

Resolve West

Resolve West provides and promotes services which empower people experiencing conflict or crime.

They offer a range of restorative services to individuals, communities, neighbourhoods and organisations which includes restorative justice, conflict resolution, mediation and coaching.

Tai Pawb

Tai Pawb promotes equality and social justice in housing in Wales, for Black and Ethnic minority groups, disabled people, LGBTQ people, trans* people, diverse older and younger people. They believe that all people have the right to access good quality housing and homes in cohesive and safe communities. 

Wirral Change

Wirral Change is a Black and Racial Minorities (racialised) outreach service offering information, advice and guidance on jobs, education, training, self-employment, health and wellbeing.

They also signpost to other services for racial minority people on the Wirral.

Freedom from Torture

Freedom from Torture provide specialist psychological therapy to help asylum seekers and refugees who have survived torture recover and rebuild their lives in the UK.

They also provide training for professionals working with torture survivors.

Latin American Elderly Project

Offers activities to Latin American elders in Islington (50+) such as yoga, Tai Chi, handicraft workshops, painting, dancing, English and journalism classes, talks, walks, workshops and fact sheets.


Turn2us is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to access welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services.

They have a benefits calculator and tailored advice for young people, older people, migrants, disabled people, people in the criminal justice system and other groups.

IMECE Women’s Centre

IMECE supports women from ethnic minority (racialised) backgrounds, in particular supporting Turkish, Kurdish and Cyproit Turkish. They work with all those who self-identify as women. Services include counselling, advice and information, and training.

Radical Housing Network

Radical Housing Network is a London-wide alliance of 30+ groups and campaigns fighting for housing justice. They are currently lobbying the government to extend the eviction ban.

Scottish Refugee Council

The Scottish Refugee Council is dedicated to supporting people that are in need of refuge and protection.

Through their direct services, they provide practical support, advice and a listening ear to help people rebuild their lives in a sustainable and meaningful way. 


Black Voices Cornwall

Black Voices Cornwall work with communities and organisations, providing education, support and training on anti-racism including free services to survivors of hate crimes.


Next Link Bristol

They provide a range of domestic abuse support services to women and children, including safe houses, children’s services, dedicated Black and Ethnic Minority (racialised) services, resettlement and outreach services, and a crisis response service.

Their freephone is on 0808 2000 247.

Welsh Refugee Council

The Welsh Refugee Council have been successfully empowering asylum seekers (people seeking asylum) and refugees to build new futures in Wales for almost 30 years. They offer support in a range of languages through advice, advocacy, casework, English classes, family support and more.

Asylum Link Merseyside (ALM)

Asylum Link Merseyside is based in St Anne's Church in Liverpool and supports asylum seekers (people seeking asylum) in casework, destitution support, ESOL, and housing aid.

Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council (PDREC)

PDREC provides advocacy, advice, information and support services for BME (racialised) people and others who have been victims/witnesses of racial/religious hate crime incidents, abuse, discrimination or prejudice in Devon.

Issues addressed include domestic violence, safeguarding, housing, health, isolation, unemployment, poverty and destitution, identity and education.

Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO)

IKWRO support Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls who are at risk of  ‘honour’ based violence, forced marriage, child marriage, female genital mutilation and domestic violence.

They provide direct services including advocacy, training and counselling, while offering support in Kurdish, Farsi, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Turkish and English.

Brixton Soup Kitchen

A Brixton based service for the homeless and people in need. They also offer help, support and outreach for those unable to get to them, volunteering and a "Lawyers in the Soup Kitchen" programme offering free legal resources.

Aapna Services

Aapna in Middlesborough offers services including care, counselling, dementia and advocacy support for people from ethnic minority (racialised) backgrounds.

Voices in Exile

Voices in Exile supports refugees, asylum seekers and those with no recourse to public funds. Advice covers NRPF, food & fuel poverty, asylum support, housing & homelessness, immigration support (people seeking asylum).

Dorset Race Equality Council

The Dorset Race Equality Council inform and educate regarding race and ethnic relations.

They offer activities and support for Minority Ethnic (racialised) people, including community groups, legal support around racial discrimination and more.

Shire Advice Service

Shire Advice Service offer advice, information and advocacy covering welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment rights, consumer issues, family issues and more. They are fully accessible and based in North Bristol.


Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team

Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team was set up by a group of Ethnic Minority (racialised) young people in Swansea.

They aim to fill a gap in provision for young BME people aged 11-25 by providing a targeted, culturally sensitive and holistic support service to meet their needs. 

The Manuel Bravo

Manuel Bravo is a Leeds-based organisation providing free legal advice and assistance to asylum seekers and refugees who have been unable to receive legal aid.

The Bridge Plus+

The Bridge Plus+ is a Norfolk based Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (racialised) organisation.

They offer information on a wide range of issues, from ESOL to healthcare services, advice on benefits, legal immigration support and more.

Kiran Support Services

Kiran Support Services is an Asian women organisation based in Walthamstow. They offer support for people seeking refugee, immigration advice, help for women in abusive relationships and more. 

They also provide safe, temporary accommodation to Asian women and their children.

Hackney Migrant Centre

Support for refugees, asylum seekers (people seeking asylum and refuge) and other migrants in need through the provision of free advice on immigration, welfare and health.

Thousand 4 1000

A discrete offshoot of Brighton Migrant Solidarity. They are the only organisation in the Brighton area providing housing support to destitute migrants who are not allowed to work or have no recourse to public funds. They take referrals directly from organisations such as Brighton Voices in Exile. In addition to accommodation, they also provide financial, practical and emotional support to locally based migrants.

Dhek Bhal

Dhek Bhal provides a range of services to the South Asian community in Bristol and South Gloucestershire, including respite services for carers of South Asian elders, a day centre for frail and disabled elderly individuals, outreach support schemes, carer support groups, women's and men's projects and more.

Filwood Hope

Filwood Hope is a walk-in centre which provides the local community of Knowle West with advice and support on benefits, debt housing and food bank referals. They also provide counselling, with host advisers from Age UK offering advice to those over 55.

Women Connect First

Women Connect First was established to empower Black and Minority Ethnic (racialised) women in Cardiff and South East Wales by offering a range of services and training.

They run after school clubs, health groups, English classes, an older women's group and more.


InfoBuzz offers therapeutic and practical support for families and young people with complex needs in Gloucestershire.

They have a wide range of services including around criminal justice, community mental health and more.

The Sharan Project

The Sharan Project aims to empower, educate and inspire vulnerable women, particularly of South Asian origin.

They offer free impartial, confidential and culturally sensitive support, advice and information including around employment, education, financial, and legal.

Sistah Space

Sistah Space is a London-based domestic violence charity that provides specialist support services to women of African and Caribbean heritage.

Haringey Migrant Support Centre

Haringey Migrant Support Centre provides a weekly drop-in service for migrants. The drop-in offers free immigration advice from legal professionals, and advice and signposting services on welfare and health issues.

Asylum Welcome

Asylum Welcome welcomes asylum seekers, refugees and detainees who have fled persecution and danger in their own countries and seek refuge in Oxford and Oxfordshire.

Refugee Women of Bristol (RWoB)

Refugee Women of Bristol (RWoB) is the only multi-ethnic, multi-faith organisation which specifically targets the needs of refugee women in Bristol, and are directly governed by women of the refugee and asylum-seeking community.

The offer everything from drop-in services, to a lunch club and befriending group.

Carefree Cornwall

Carefree works with young people aged 11-25 who are in and leaving care across Cornwall. They engage in positive social education activities, events and projects, as well as a personal advisor service for about half of Cornwall's care leavers.

They also support separated children seeking asylum.

BAME Helpline Wales

BAME Helpline Wales can signpost you to relevant organisations, provide specialist employment advice.

Their support also covers information on topics (in a range of languages) including health, work, welfare entitlements, education, housing and personal safety.

BRASS Bolton

BRASS provides support for asylum seekers and refugees (people seeking refuge and asylum) in Bolton.

They offer advice, support and information to access public services, English classes, workshops on UK life, opportunities to develop skills, and various well-being activities.


GYROS is a charity that supports migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in East Anglia, UK.

They provide free information, advice, guidance and advocacy on a range of subjects, including immigration, housing, Universal Credit, debt, EUSS, rights in the UK and more

Gloucestershire Chinese Women's Guild

Gloucestershire Chinese Women's Guild provides free language support, home visits, advocacy, interpretation, advice on benefits and education and training.

Their staff speak Cantonese, Hakka, Mandarin, Shanghainese and English.

The Angelou Centre

The Angelou Centre is a Black-led women’s centre based in Newcastle.

They offer a range of holistic services for Black and minoritised (racialised) women experiencing violence or marginalisation.

As well as frontline support and refuge provision they also work at strategic and national levels ensuring the voices of women are represented and heard.

Toynbee Hall

Toynbee Hall work to tackle the causes and impacts of poverty in East London. They provide: Legal advice, debt advice, work advice, youth projects, learning programmes and create research and policy reports

Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL)

Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL) supports asylum seekers, migrants and refugees in south east London.

Their services include advice in welfare benefits, housing, education, employment, health and immigration. They also run a foodbank.

Safe Passage

Safe Passage is a campaign that advocates for the safe passage and access to legal routes for child refugees throughout Europe.

They work with Refugee Welcome groups and individuals from Glasgow to Totness to ensure the UK continues to be a welcoming country to refugees. 

The Chinese Community Wellbeing Society

The Chinese Community Wellbeing Society exists to support the health and social care needs of the Chinese speaking community across the South West of England.

They provide assistance, advice, representation and services, as well as facilities for recreation and leisure time.

First Light

First Light is a charity supporting people in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire who have experienced domestic violence and domestic abuse.

From support through the court system, to counselling and creating safe plans for individuals to rebuild their lives, they offer a wide range of services.

Abigail Housing

With their Refugee Project in Leeds and Destitution Project in Bradford, Abigail House is a West-Yorkshire based charity dedicated to providing support and homes to destitute refugees and asylum seekers (people seeking refuge and asylum).

Cheetham Hill Advice Centre

Accessible to speakers of nine different languages, Cheetham Hill Advice Centre is an independent neighbourhood service in Manchester.

They can advise on welfare benefits, money and debt, housing/homelessness, employment, access to adult immigration/nationality issues and more.

Access Migrant Support

Access East Anglia exists to help migrants settle into their local communities. They work in partnership with stakeholders to promote community cohesion, to offer multi-lingual advice services and to provide practical support to overcome language barriers for their clients.

Devon Communities Together

Devon Communities Together provide a range of projects and services which support communities throughout Devon.

They offer programmes and advice on a range of topics such as benefits, money, business, health, affordable housing and more.

Apna Ghar Minority Ethnic Women's Centre

Apna Ghar provides services for women by women from ethnic minority (racialised) communities in South Tyneside.

Their offers include courses for ESOL, health and social care and more. They also have lunch groups, advice sessions and leisure activities. 

Interpreting services are available for members and for statutory agencies.

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is the UK's leading sight loss charity.

They offer practical and emotional support to blind and partially sighted people, their families and carers. They also raise awareness of the experiences of blind and partially sighted people and campaign to make society more accessible.

Refugee Women

Refugee Women empower refugee and asylum-seeking women to speak out, become leaders and advocate for change. Through English lessons, drama and other activities they support women to build their confidence and skills. 

Scottish Detainee Visitors

Scottish Detainee Visitors supports people detained by the immigration service in Scotland. They offer non-judgmental social, emotional and practical support to people in Dungavel. 

The charity also advocates for change and influences the punitive policies around detention. 




Aid Box Community

Aid Box Community provides support, supplies and sanctuary to refugees and asylum seekers in Bristol. 

They provide support including a free shop, social groups, community trips and more.

Refugee And Migrant Centre (RMC)

RMC have a team of qualified and experienced caseworkers that offer a wide range of support to clients who include asylum seekers, refugees, EU migrants, undocumented people and those with uncertain immigration status. Service provides casework, advice and guidance on immigration.

Asylum Justice and Release (AJAR)

AJAR is a network of people in Leeds, often from faith communities, supporting people currently in detention who have a valid case for applying for bail.

They support asylum seekers who've been detained beyond reason, are struggling with support and would live in the area if released.

Olive Pathway

With the aim of eliminating violence against women in BME (racialised) communities and a strong focus on cultural sensitivity, Olive Pathway raises community awareness and offers aid through the advocacy, legal aid, interpreting, early intervention and crisis support and outreach.

They have a helpline on 0756 269 8039.

Ormiston Families

Ormiston Families take early and preventative action to support families across the East of England to be safe, healthy and resilient.

They work with families who have been affected by the prison system, provide mental health support, a disability group and more.

Refugee Support Devon

Refugee Support Devon support refugees in the community, preserving and protecting wellbeing, providing relief, advocacy, educating the public, and offering training and skills development.

They have a drop-in service, tailored outreach support, refugee resettlement, immigration advice, a women's group, a community garden, events and more.

Free Movement

Free Movement provides updates, commentary, training and advice on immigration and asylum law. They offer consultations, tutorials and topical newsletters.


Humraaz Support Services in Blackburn provides confidential specialist support to Black and Minority Ethnic (racialised) women who are experiencing domestic abuse and all forms of harmful traditional practices.

As well as a refuge, they also offer advocacy, support and peer support for professional women. 

Strabane Ethnic Community Association (SECA)

Strabane Ethnic Community Association aim to identify and respond to the needs of Minority Ethnic (racialised) communities.

They also seek to raise awareness and understanding within the local community as Northern Ireland become more diverse. 

Nacro SWITCH Project

Narco SWITCH Project offer education, housing, justice, and health and wellbeing services support people to put in place the things they need to move forwards and build positive futures. They work collaboratively with other services and providers.

Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Services

Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Services can help you in a variety of ways; from practical and emotional support to legal advice. everything will be guided by you and only with your consent. This service is completely free and confidential.

Himaya Haven

Himaya Haven is a leading Birmingham-based organisation who work with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (racialised) Communities, supporting families of loved ones in custody and prison. They offer support, guidance, groups, mentoring, court support and advice, and more.

Open Doors

Open Doors Hull in Hull provide a range of activities and resources for asylum seekers, refugee and migrant workers (people seeking refuge and asylum).

Their weekly drop-in service includes food, small cash support, clothes, classes, immigration/benefit advice and worker support.


WomenMATTA is a women's centre in Manchester that provides intense, holistic support to women affected by the criminal justice system and to those at risk.

It is a 'one-stop-shop' offering group work, one-to-one and counselling around domestic and sexual violence, mental health, substance and alcohol addiction, debt or money issues and more.


Sacro is a Scottish community justice organisation which works to create safer and more cohesive communities across Scotland.

They provide a wide range of services spanning all aspects of  community justice. These range from conflict resolution to prevent disputes escalating, to supporting prisoners on release and housing.

Julian House

Julian House run a large number of projects and services across the South West for all communities including special services for refugees and travelling communities covering health, housing, education, domestic violence, addiction support and more.

Refugee Action

Refugee Action is a UK-wide charity supporting refugees and people seeking asylum since 1981.

They support refugees (people seeking refuge) to access housing and support, provide training to organisations and run campaigns. 

Apna Haq (Rotherham): 01709 519211

Apna Haq is a survivor-led organisation supporting Black and minority women and girls (racialised) in Rotherham to escape violent situations.

They welcome women from from any religion or no religion, and of any sexuality, including women who identify as lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex (LGBTQIA+). 


Shine provide specialist advice and support for spina bifida and hydrocephalus across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

They offer support in a number of ways, including on employment, benefits, advice for carers and more. 

Anglo-Chinese Cultural Exchange

Anglo-Chinese Cultural Exchange provides a supplementary school, benefits for the elderly, translation support, health and wellbeing information, free immigration legal advice, seminars, workshops and certified volunteering opportunities for teenagers

Stand Against Racism and Inequality (SARI)

SARI provide free and confidential support for anyone who is a victim of hate crime across Avon and Somerset. Whether that’s based on race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or sex. 

They have online resources, out of hour emergency, casework support and more.

Rape & Sexual Violence Project (RSVP)

RSVP believes that everyone deserves a life free from sexual violence and abuse. They offer empathic services to support and inspire children and adults of all genders who have been subjected to sexual violence and abuse. 


BEACON hosts a range of support for asylum seekers and refugees (people seeking refuge and asylum).

This includes McKenzie friends, who provide mentoring and legal assistance,  hosting support and their weekly drop-in ESOL session, CHAT.

Pakistani Resource Centre

The Pakistani Resource Centre in Manchester helps provide support to South Asian communities in mental health, welfare rights, counselling, domestic violence, learning disabilities and the criminal justice system.

Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)

Friends, Families and Travellers are the only national charity working on behalf of all Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities regardless of ethnicity, culture or background.

They offer health support, provide accommodation services through casework and outreach teams, support children and young people with schoolwork and more.

Central England Law Center

Central England Law Center offer free specialist legal advice to those most in need and use legal processes to fight inequality. We advocate for people, challenge unfair decisions, take cases to the highest courts and work in partnerships with other support services.


Panahghar provide free dedicated BAME (racialised) multilingual support, advice and advocacy and access to safe refuge for victims and their families of domestic abuse, sexual abuse or gendered abuse in Coventry and Leicester.

If English is not your first language, contact them on their 24-hour helpline on 0800 055 6519.

The Monitoring Group

The Monitoring Group was established in Southall, by community campaigners and lawyers who wished to challenge the growth of racism in the locality. They work with and support victims of race hate crime on mental health and rights. You can report crimes on their website.

Migrant Centre Northern Ireland (MCNI)

MCNI advocates for the rights of migrant workers in NI, tackles racism, aims to eliminate barriers against migrant workers and more.

They have three offices across NI, in Belfast, Lurgan and Derry~Londonderry and offer bilingual services, immigration advice, records and reports on hate crimes. 

Confederation of Bangladeshi Organisations (CBO)

CBO offer information, advice, assistance and self help within local communities and primarily the Bangladeshi and other BME community throughout the Borough of Sandwell. They offer information, advice and guidance on welfare, immigration, ESOL, skills and employment, education, women and young people's services, and much more.


Since 1990, QED have been running projects in Bradford such as ESOL, men's groups and workshops to aid BME (racialised) communities in finding employment.

Manchester Congolese Organisation (MaCO)

MaCO is a community-led group which has been set up to support Congolese asylum seekers and refugees in Manchester.

They offer free and confidential advice, assistance, representation, advocacy, translating and interpreting services. This includes support around welfare, health, social education (culture), academic development, employment, finance management and life in the UK.

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Bristol

The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Bristol website has useful telephone numbers and information on accessing services such as health, education, accommodation, benefits and emergency services.

They support the community through form filling, benefits advice, council tax, planning issues, health care services and equality issues.


Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA) is a secure and reliable service that allows people from across England to report any form of Anti-Muslim abuse. 

Asylum Aid

Asylum Aid provides legal representation to people seeking asylum, including children, survivors of trafficking and stateless people.

P.H.O.E.B.E. Centre

P.H.O.E.B.E is an Ipswich-based charity offering advice, information, advocacy support and counselling to ethnic minority (racialised) women and children, including domestic abuse support.

Their number is 01473 231566.

Southall Black Sisters

Southall Black Sisters provides an advocacy service for women affected by gender based violence. They offer specialist advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and self-help support services in several community languages, especially South Asian languages. Whilst their focus is on the needs of black and minority women, we will not turn any woman away who needs emergency help.

The Rainbow Project

The Rainbow Project is a health organisation that aims to improve the physical, mental, emotional health and well-being of LGBTQIA+ people in Northern Ireland.

Based in Belfast city centre Foyle, L’Derry, they offer a range of services from free sexual health checks to counselling.

Justice First

Justice First provides legal aid to people living in the Tees Valley area who are seeking asylum in the UK and who have initially been refused leave to stay here.

They also offer community activities and volunteer befrienders.


Nilaari are a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (racialised) led charity with over 20 years experience delivering social care support, talking therapies and training to adults and young people. 

Their services are available to all communities across Bristol. 

Impact Pathways

Impact Pathways is a ‘map’ of provision designed to help people who live and work in the West Midlands access support they might need. It allows the public and professionals to search in their area for the resource, knowledge and expertise of statutory agencies.

Khidmat Centres

Khidmat Centres in Bradford address inherent inequalities in services for the most vulnerable members of the community from minority ethnic (racialised) backgrounds.

Support includes older people services, education classes, health and wellbeing, welfare benefits advice, a women's group, learning disability groups, carers groups, Muslim Women in Prison Projects and more.


StopWatch is a coalition that leads a campaign against the disproportionate use of stop and search. They work in research and policy, youth advocacy and legal work.

Latin American Women's Aid

Latin American Women’s Aid runs the only refuges in Europe and in the UK by and for Latin American women and children fleeing gender-based violence.

They also offer holistic and intersectional services for Black and Minoritised (racialised) women. They are proud to be LGBTQIA+ inclusive.

Stop Hate UK

Stop Hate UK helps you report a hate crime, receive support before, during and after and to help you understand the process.

Amera International

Amera International have a comprehensive pro bono directory of organisations supporting refugees and asylum seekers (people seeing refuge and asylum) in the UK.

The website provides resources for legal assistance providers and refugees themselves.

Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid

Hemat Gryffe provides a range of services including outreach support, culturally sensitive counselling, and support on immigration, domestic abuse, forced marriage or honour based abuse matters. Their support covers women, children and young people in Glasgow. Alongside this, their website is available in English, Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu.

Call their helpline on 0141 353 0859.


Extern works alongside children, young people, and families. They support people experiencing or facing homelessness, those dealing with mental health issues, people experiencing problem drug and alcohol use and people living with problem gambling.

They also support refugees, the Traveller community and people living with an offending past. 

Friends of Drop-In Sunderland (FODI)

Friends of Drop-In Sunderland  provides a safe and friendly environment for asylum seekers and refugees.

They offer services including drop-in support, internet access, a women's group, a bike project which repairs and gives bikes to people seeking asylum and more.


One25 are a Bristol-based charity that support women through crisis and trauma. 

They offer an outreach van for women on the streets at night, a daytime drop-in centre, a casework team, as well as specific teams for those with experience of child-removal and those in recovery.

Notts LGBT+ Network

Notts LGBT+ Network provide information and support to the LGBT+ communities of Nottinghamshire. They offer a place to talk about sexuality and gender, information on the area, a place to talk about sex and sexual health, legal advice and more.

Manchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN)

Manchester Refugee Support Network is a grassroots organisation directly managed by refugee communities in Manchester.\

They provide practical support to those fleeing persecution, conflict, and various forms of injustice and abuse.

Safer Wales

Safer Wales protect, support and empower groups of people aged 12 and above who are often invisible. They support men experiencing domestic abuse, young females, women in the criminal justice system and those experiencing sexual exploitation and in sex work.

Latin American House

Latin American House works for the integration, social inclusion and well-being of Latin American and other Spanish and Portuguese-speaking migrants in London.

They offer legal and social welfare advice, a nursery, children's education, adult community learning, a community centre and EU settlement assistance.

Breaking Barriers

Are you a refugee looking for support with finding a job? Breaking Barriers provides support to refugees (people seeking refuge) in London with finding a job, understanding the UK job market, employability skills and education. 

Suzy Lamplugh Trust

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust offer online tools, services, advice and help if you're worried about being stalked. Their helpline is 0808 802 0300.

North of England Refugee Services (NERS)

NERS is an independent and charitable organisation which exists to meet the needs and promote the interests of asylum seekers and refugees who have arrived or have settled in the North of England. 

They offer housing support, translation and interpretation, asylum applications, and integration services.

Northern Ireland Law Centre

Law Centre NI offer free, independent and specialist legal advice, casework and representation in the areas of social security, employment and immigration.

Their advisors provide free, confidential and specialist advice and legal support on social security, employment and immigration issues.

Unity in the Community (Glasgow)

Unity in the Community works to provide practical support and solidarity for people in need in our communities, especially asylum seekers. 

As an organisation they offer many different services from English lessons, access to food banks, unity allotment community, bike workshops, LGBTQIA+ friendly.

St Pauls Advice Centre

St Pauls Advice Centre offers specialist advice, information and casework services on welfare benefits, debt and money, employment, housing, immigration, discrimination and other community care issues.

They offer independent, impartial, confidential, non-judgemental and free advice.

Lesbian Immigration Support Group (LISG)

LISG Manchester was set up in 2007 as successful anti-deportation campaign for a lesbian from Sierra Leone. As more lesbian asylum seekers began contacting the group, they have continued as a general support group for lesbian and bisexual asylum seekers and refugees.

Birmingham and Solihull Women's Aid

Birmingham and Solihull Women's Aid (BSWA) supports women and children affected by domestic violence and abuse through a helpline, drop-in centres, refuge accommodation, housing, legal and family support, and youth engagement. They also campaign, educate and train.

Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organization (IRMO)

IRMO is a community-led organisation that provides Latin Americans with tools and information in an empowering process to build fulfilled, independent and integrated lives in the UK using a rights-based approach.

Their work spans education, training, employment, advice, case-work and immigration and wellbeing support.

Rights of Women

Rights of Women work in a number of ways to help women through the law, providing legal advice and information on family law, criminal law, immigration and asylum law, and sexual harassment at work.


INQUEST is the only charity providing expertise on state related deaths and their investigation to bereaved people, lawyers, advice and support agencies, the media and parliamentarians. Their specialist casework includes deaths in police and prison custody, immigration detention, mental health settings and deaths involving multi-agency failings or where wider issues of state and corporate accountability are in question.

Bryson Intercultural

Bryson Intercultural is an organisation that seeks to empower Ethnic Minority (racialised) communities and their families throughout Northern Ireland.

They support and work with a wide range of communities such as the indigenous Irish Travellers, refugees and asylum seekers by promoting and supporting racial and ethnic integration.

Mutli-Cultural Family Base

The Multi-Cultural Family Base Scotland works with families from minority (racialised) communities and new migrants who are experiencing difficulties.

They offer a range of services including practical housing support or around financial problems. They also provide support on dealing with discrimination.

The Race Equality Centre Leicester (TREC)

The Race Equality Centre provides support and advice to individuals, groups and organisations from racialised minority backgrounds, which is designed to enhance their ability to proactively participate in political, social and economic activities. 

New Step for African Communities (NESTAC)

NESTAC work to empower the disadvantaged population within the Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, particularly refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants from the new emerging communities in Greater Manchester.

They promote social integration, equality, diversity and human rights, with support for women and young girls who are gender-based violence survivors. 

Refugee Roots

Refugee Roots is a Christian charity that helps asylum seekers and refugees build relationships and navigate the complexities of building a new life in the UK.

They offer a warm welcome, support and friendship through a range of activities like virtual kitchen, art sessions and women's groups.

Coalition of Latin Americans in the UK (CLAUK)

CLAUK is a coalition of Latin American organisations from the voluntary sector that have come together to raise awareness and understanding of the issues facing the Latin American community in the UK.

Membership is free, and they offer support in education, health, for victims of violence, legal advice, cultural projects and more.

Victim Support

Victim Support believes that all survivors of domestic abuse should be able to get the support they need to move on from the impact of crime. They provide support to people weeks, months and years after a crime.

Darlington Association on Disability (DAD)

Darlington Association on Disability provide support, information, advocation and services for disabled adults and children in Darlington.

DAD offer services such as youth support, peer support, hate crime support, direct payments, advocacy and an independent living hub.

Article 39

Article 39 is a small, independent charity which fights for the rights of children living in state and privately-run institutions (children’s homes, boarding and residential schools, mental health inpatient units, prisons and immigration detention) in England. They campaign, offer legal support, run groups for young people and advocate in policy.

YMCA North Down

YMCA North Down is a faith-based volunteer organisation that seeks to support the local community, including young people and families, across North Downs. They work with all groups, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, religion, culture, or race.

Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support Group

Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support provides advice, support, education, IT facilities and a friendly communal space for asylum seekers in the region.They also offer emergency food support and a clothing store.

Bristol Outreach for the Homeless (BOSH)

BOSH provides an outreach service providing anything they reasonably can to make lives more comfortable for people experiencing homelessness.

They also provide advocacy, advice, one to one support and help settling in to a new home and maintaining a tenancy.

Zola Women's Aid

Zola is a specialist BAME refuge run by Juno Women's Aid. There are specialist staff members who can support women’s language and cultural needs. They speak Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi and English. They support women with issues such as safety, housing, benefits, immigration, finances, children and health.

Mustard Tree

Mustard Tree Manchester supports people experiencing poverty and homelessness.

They help people secure better accommodation and economic wellbeing, while providing practical support, friendship, connections into work and improvements to health and wellbeing.

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum offer practical advice, information, support and friendship to people seeking asylum or refuge.

They have a community centre, offer advice and support (including for LGBTQIA+ communities) and run trainings. They also have different activities in their groups for women, youth and gardening.

Latin American Women's Rights Service (LAWRS)

Latin American Women's Rights Service are a human rights, feminist organisation run by and for Latin American migrant women in the UK.

Their direct support includes casework for women experiencing gender-based violence, counselling and emotional support, advice on benefits, employment rights, family law and immigration and workshops.

Asian Women’s Resource Centre

Asian Women's Resource Centre is a voluntary sector grassroots organisation, based in Harlesden. They provide services for women who are, or have been experiencing domestic abuse.

Services also include information for survivors of domestic abuse in multiple languages, including Bengali, Guajarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Farsi and more.

The 4Front Project

The 4Front Project is a youth-led organisation supporting young people of colour (racialised people) with experiences of violence and/or in contact with the criminal justice system to fight for justice, peace and freedom.

Hackney CVS

Hackney CVS is an umbrella body committed to making Hackney a fairer place. They believe everyone should have the best start in life and the best opportunities to succeed regardless of their background, race, social class, gender, sexuality or disability. They offer advice and training to local community groups, allowing them to influence how the public sector works.

Inter Ethnic Forum

Inter-Ethnic Forum aims to help Ethnic Minorities (racialised people) in the Mid & East Antrim Borough Council area.

The can assist with the process of integration, help with form filling, finding out more about benefits, dealing with racial discrimination and more.

Cornwall Refugee Resource Network

The Cornwall Refugee Resettlement Network is a committed group who are passionate about Cornwall being a place of welcome, refuge and sanctuary.

They offer practical support such as sponsorship, workshops, providing resources, campaigning and running conferences to communicate with the local community.


Borderlands has been supporting refugees, asylum seekers and those with insecure immigration status in the wider Bristol area since 2011.

They help refugees, asylum seekers and those with insecure immigration from exclusion to belonging with mentoring services, drop-in support and more.

Displaced People in Action (DPIA)

DPIA works with asylum seekers (people seeking asylum) and refugees throughout Wales to become more confident, more integrated and self-sufficient. They have a range of projects, including advocacy and projects specifically for children and young people.

Latin American Disabled People's Project (LADPP)

Latin American Disabled People's Project (LADPP) support disabled Spanish and Portuguese speaking people living in London including their carers, families and communities.

They have a range of services, projects and information such as English classes, a food bank, befriending group, housing support and more.