Zoe specialises in inclusive design and facilitation for people experiencing multiple complex needs, leading the development of Spark & Co.’s inclusive brand and, most recently, leading the brand development for JMB Consultation. They have a strong track record of providing trauma-informed facilitation, having facilitated spaces with people who have been directly impacted by institutional racism, misogyny, gender bias, chronic illness, houselessness and the hostile environment.

Zoe has over 10 years of experience in marketing and communications, having gained a BA (Hons) in Public Relations, Communications and Advertising at the University of Westminster. They started their career in digital marketing, going on to work as a Marketing Assistant at the Institute of Imagination, leading to their Online Community and Content Manager role at Spark & Co.

They have demonstrable experience in building and maintaining relationships with community organisations. Zoe brings seven years of experience running events with them and over four years of experience facilitating workshops in anti-racism, intersectionality, wellbeing and digital storytelling, working with various audiences in the VSCE sector. Zoe has worked on various social justice campaigns, such as Solidarity Knows No Borders, Kill The Bill, and Justice for Chris Kaba. They’ve collaborated with notable organisations, including Migrants Organise, Hastings Refugee Buddy Project, Macmillan, Greater London Authority, Koreo and Heart ‘n’ Soul.

They also have a track record of working with young people. They led a mentorship programme at the De La Warr Pavilion and Digital Storytelling workshops co-designed with neurodiverse young people for Discovery College and Culture Shift. Zoe also sits on the advisory board of the Eggtooth Project.

In their spare time, they’re all about eating out and binge-watching TV, routinely sharing with the team that they’ve completed all streaming platforms whilst balancing community organising, particularly supporting migrant justice and housing initiatives.