For LGBTQ+ History Month, we put together this resource pack, with a focus on the histories, stories and experiences of racialised LGBTQIA+ communities.
If you have any suggestions to include, DM us on Instagram or Facebook. You can also email us at
Note: while the focus is on racialised people, we have also included resources created by white folks and exploring other histories (i.e white working class stories)
- Burning My Roti: Breaking Barriers as a Queer Indian Woman by Sharan Dhaliwal
- None of the Above: Reflections on Life Beyond the Binary by Travis Alabanza
- This Arab Is Queer: An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers edited by Elias Jahshan
- Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
- Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton
- Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J Brown
- Tongues Untied
- Shinjuku Boys
- Pier Kids
- PXSSY PALACE on Vimeo (short doc)
- Misery Medicine: Plant Magic Sessions (short doc)
- LGBTQIA+ Activists From Bangladesh to Nigeria Open Up About the Ongoing Fight for Their Rights by Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin
- Misery is the Sober QTIBPOC Party Centring Healing and Joy by Tara Joshi
- Archiving Oral Histories of Black Queer Collectives in London by Rachel Datey
- 50 Years of Pride: Why I Marched With Gay Liberation Front by Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin
- LGBTQIA+ People of Colour Are Twice as Likely to Undergo Conversion Therapy. Why Isn’t It Banned Yet? by
Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin - “It’s Frustrating And Depressing”: The Experiences of LGBTQ+ Refugees in the UK Asylum System by Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin
- ‘It Created an Enduring Legacy of Black Pride’ – the Club Night That Changed the Face of Manchester’s Gay Scene by Jenna Campbell
- The Story Behind the UK’s Biggest LGBTQ+ Helpline by El Hunt
- Gay’s The Word: inside England’s only LGBTQ+ bookshop by Patrick O’Connell
- Inside the UK’s first LGBTQ+ strip club by Jake Hall
- What if Trans Day of Remembrance Was a Public Vow to Be a Good Traitor? by Jack Lilidh
- How Gay is Gay Enough? The Failings of the U.K. System for its LGBTQI+ People Seeking Asylum by
- Sober Safe Spaces for Marginalised Communities by Leah Olasehinde
- Pxssy Palace’s Nadine Noor on the Importance of Funding Queer Spaces by Alex Peters
- The Harlem Renaissance in Black Queer History by Steven W. Lewis
LGBTQ+ publications led by racialised people
- BEAU: from the beautiful HIV+ community — QueerHealth. Note: the editor is Black, includes white contributors
- Oestrogeneration
- AZ Magazine
- Autostraddle. Note: Autostraddle’s editors are Black, though the founder is white
- Black and Gay Back in the Day
- LamQ+ Podcast: Queer POC Voices from Lockdown
- UK Black Pride – A Time Capsule
- Queer Asian Podcast Club
- Two Spirit Talks
- Black Beetle Health
- Two Twos Podcast
- Unsolicited: Fatties Talk Back. Note: majority of podcast hosts are racialised people, also includes white hosts
- Your Two-Spirit Aunties
- Busy Being Black
- BFF: Black, Fat, Femme
- Five podcasts on LGBTQ+ culture in Greater China (article)
- We Will Be Heard by UK Black Pride’s 2021 report
- Transition Access Survey 2022 by TransActual UK
- 2021 census: What do we know about the LGBT+ population?