
Hookers Against Hardship

Hookers Against Hardship is a grassroots campaign of sex worker-led organisations, aiming to raise awareness of the specific experiences of sex workers during, and because of, the cost of living crisis.

Don't Pay

Don’t Pay is a grassroots campaign opposing the rise in energy bills.

They are calling for:

  • An immediate reversal of the price hikes
  • An end to the enforcement of prepayment meters
  • And a social energy tariff – so no one goes cold this winter
Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough is a campaign to fight the cost of living crisis.

They were founded by trade unions and community organisations. Their five key demands are:

  • A real pay rise
  • Slashing energy bills
  • Ending food poverty
  • Decent homes for all
  • Taxing the rich
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